School Rules

  1. The school day commences with a prayer at assembly at which all students are expected to be present.

  2. At the warming bell all students must immediately go for the assembly or get into line for class.

  3. All students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. On all school days, the school uniform Is to be worm.

  4. No student may leave the school premises during school hours (including the recess ) without the permission of principal.

  5. Care must be taken for all school property. No student should spoil the desks, chairs or any other furniture’s, write or draw on the walls, or damage any other things belonging to other students. Any damage done to the school property is to be made good by student who does it.

  6. No books (other than text books or library books) magazines, comics pictures etc. may be brought to school.

  7. No responsibility is taken for the goods or money lost. Valuables articles should not be brought to school.

  8. All should take pride in keeping the school clean. Waste paper or other rubbish is to be thrown in the basket or bins provided for.

  9. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.

  10. Bicycle must be kept locked. Students should not ride around in the school in bicycle.

  11. Student should observe polite standard wherever they go. They should great their teachers when and wherever the meet them.

  12. The school reserves to itself the right to dismiss student whose diligence or progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful for other students.